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Bouquet 31 roses

If you think that the volume of a bouquet of 21 or 25 roses is not enough, then you can give a composition that contains 31 roses. This is a great option to make the bouquet more lush. Such a gift will look very impressive and presentable. You can purchase a bouquet of 31 roses in a designer design using beautiful wrapping paper.

The Camellia company is ready to make a bouquet of 31 roses according to the customer’s first request. We arrange compositions of freshly cut flowers with delivery throughout Kyiv and other cities of Ukraine. Our florist salon sells a large selection of rose varieties, from which you can choose:

We offer a favorable price for roses, since we are a large manufacturer and grow flowers ourselves in our own greenhouses. You can buy 31 roses from us at the market price, ordering a chic and voluminous bouquet of them.

Why an attractive bouquet of 31 roses

A bouquet of roses 31 pieces is interesting because it has a large volume and at the same time can be easily carried in your hands. Unlike more voluminous compositions, such as a bouquet of 51 roses, it is much easier to carry in your hands, but at the same time it looks very chic. Therefore, you can give it to a girl who will take it in her hands and will not feel inconvenienced because the bouquet is too large.

You can order a bouquet of 31 roses in Kyiv by phone or in our florist salon. Here you can turn to a professional florist for help, who will collect roses into one bouquet, decorating it:

The florist will prepare a composition of buds of various shades to emphasize the symbolism of the bouquet.

When can you give a bouquet of 31 roses?

A bouquet of 31 roses can be given for any holiday. If, for example, you don’t have the budget for a bouquet of 51 roses, then the option for 31 roses will be a very good replacement. This bouquet looks impressive and will definitely please the person to whom you are giving it.

A bouquet of 31 roses can be purchased for different people:

A bouquet of 31 roses will be appropriate for anniversaries. If a person turns 30, he should definitely be given such a bouquet. Since it is not customary to give a composition with an even number of flowers, for a birthday you should choose a bouquet that contains 31 roses instead of 30.

When making a composition of 31 roses, florists will definitely arrange the flowers in a bouquet using a certain technique so that they look beautiful and compact. The salon staff can make a bouquet of one shade or mix buds of different shades, creating attractive contrasts in the bouquet.

You may also want to think about what type of rose to choose when arranging your bouquet. Our store always presents a large number of roses, which have striking differences from each other. This allows the buyer to determine the final appearance of his bouquet.

How to place a purchase for a bouquet of roses 31 pieces

We always make sure that there is a sufficient number of flowers in the salon to make even the largest bouquets. If you want to order a bouquet of 31 roses at any time, then we will definitely satisfy your customer demand. You can come to our showroom or call us to order with delivery. Our employee will quickly prepare a flower arrangement for any occasion.

We will offer you a bouquet of 31 roses from freshly cut flowers with the stem height required for you. These can be roses with small or large buds. If you need a bouquet for a special occasion, then it is better to contact us in advance so that our employee has enough time to prepare an original and unusual composition.

Each buyer has the opportunity to buy a bouquet of 31 roses in Kyiv with delivery by our courier. At an affordable price, our employee will deliver you a flower arrangement to the specified address and at a time convenient for you. You can contact us for purchases during store opening hours. We will offer you fresh flowers that will last in a vase for a long time.



1. How much does a bouquet of roses cost?

The price of a bouquet of roses depends on the number of plants. The price will also be affected by the choice of rose variety. We sell varieties with long stems or with different shades of buds. You can order a composition from us for any occasion.

2. How to store roses after purchase?

You can extend the freshness of a bouquet of roses for a couple of weeks. To do this, you need to properly acclimatize the flowers, trim the stems with a sharp knife and constantly change the water in the vase. For better health of flowers, you can add fertilizer to the water.

3. What varieties of roses can you buy in a bouquet?

Our store offers completely different varieties of roses. On sale you can see both the most popular varieties for Ukraine and rare species that you will no longer find in other stores. Some varieties were bred by our employees, and therefore they are unique and very valuable for our market.

4. How to order a bouquet of roses with delivery?

To order a bouquet for delivery, you need to call us and indicate the address and delivery time. We have a courier who will deliver the arrangement to you in the form in which it will be prepared by the florist.


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